Friday, 13 September 2013

Journey; of the heart... from the heart!!!

It is just the feeling from within... which is asking me to write. many of the writers in whatever field they belong to, will definitely agree with me. It is not only about the writers community, it is about every individual who have this feeling to follow your own heart... Will also agree to this that it comes within. 

The feeling that we want to follow our heart, comes to everyone of us, but ...yes this "BUT" "IF's"..... take its place and many circumstantially also ignore to what their heart is saying. 

Well this blog should have come prior to my blog "Moving to a foreign land" Again I started doing this because I wanted to do this, at that point it was tough for me to justify this writing with a valid reason. For many if the activity is not generating money; its waste... Also the people who feel that "Time is money", will also differ with me in this opinion, that I'm simply following my heart. I love to write, I feel sad if I have not written something.... feelings like this surrounds me many a times, but like most of us, I always ignored it. These feelings are asking us to break free and follow our own heart.

And here I will quote another famous proverb: "To find something, you will have to loose something". Yes, in this materialistic world where it's only the money that matters, you can't follow your heart, just like that... But yes i can say that we all always get a chance where we are free to follow our hearts. many IITians and IIMians have done this. Earlier in 90's I remember when I was young, when these premier Institutes pass outs follow their hearts, people have criticized them by saying, if this is what you indent to do then why not in beginning... or you wasted a seat of a premier institute or wasted your parents money...

Today, I really feel like saluting those guys, who have that courage to follow their hearts and have made a success story out of their journey.

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